If you run into a problem where after an upgrade from an older version of Magento to the latest the Password Reset page is blank then keep reading. The issue lies in an update to the customer.xml file that is not present in your custom/active theme. You can diff the base/default/layout/customer.xml file with your custom theme’s to see what’s missing, but…Read Article
Sometimes nerdy and wordy, but mostly helpful articles on website design and development.

Magento: Get a configurable products associated simple product data
| 27 Comments | MagentoWe recently helped a client with their Magento website. They were wanting to show a grid while on a configurable products page of all the associated simple products. This is an easy way to quickly show the customer what products are available along with their price. The first step is to determine if the product is a configurable type, otherwise…Read Article
Magento and WordPress go together like Chocolate and Peanut Butter
| 42 Comments | Magento, WordPressI can’t deny my love for chocolate and peanut butter together. They are a perfect match. Similarly, WordPress and Magento have been a go to tandem for ecommerce websites that we design and build. There are several ways to get the two applications to talk to each other. I’ll go over a way to integrate both Magento into WordPress and…Read Article

A New Logo
| 1 Comment |We have a new logo! It’s quite a change from our first logo that was very simple with a circled 3G. It served it’s purpose and I’ll miss it (well as much as you can miss a logo). It allowed people to easily recognize us as 3G and triple G. We’ve kept the 3 and the G and centered the design of the…Read Article
A few year ago, I wrote a post on Magento and WordPress go together like Chocolate and Peanut Butter and it’s been one of my top posts. So, I thought I’d write again about the two great platforms and how I approach them as the previous post is a little out-dated. I still love Chocolate and Peanut Butter 🙂 but my…Read Article
Love them or hate them, WordPress shortcodes are very popular, especially with premium WordPress themes. If you’ve ever changed themes you may have run into the issue of a shortcode no longer working. This should help you fix and or better prepare next time you update your website. What is a shortcode? A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do…Read Article

Easily Support Retina Images in WordPress
| 0 Comments | Web Development, WordPressUpdate: This is no longer a supported or suggested route for supporting retina images We recently released a plugin in the WordPress plugin repository to make it very easy to support retina images on your WordPress powered website. We based the plugin off of Shaun Inman’s .htaccess Mod Rewrites. There are several other plugins and ideas out there that have…Read Article
An easy way to check whether the product being viewed is a simple product is by checking the product type. There is a simple function call for it as well.
When it comes to using non-standard web fonts, Chrome (on Windows) has given less than great results. The issue is that Chrome cannot do anti-aliasing on TrueType fonts. There seem to several CSS hacks that try to fix the issue in Chrome, but they are not very reliable. When using the @font-face approach via CSS, we specific 4 different versions…Read Article

Magento API Roles not updating
| 1 Comment | MagentoIf you or a 3rd party developer needs to access your Magento powered ecommerce store, then you’ll want to do so via the built-in API. Granting access to the Magento API is a fairly simple task. Giving a Role custom or full access is done under Web Services > Roles. Choose your Role, then select the Role Resources tab. From…Read Article
WordCamp Columbus – Custom Post Types
| 2 Comments | WordPressFor everyone at my custom post type talk at 2:15 on the development track I have put my presentation and plugin on here to download so you can follow along. Download the zip file.