Sometimes nerdy and wordy, but mostly helpful articles on website design and development.

removing dotted links

| 0 Comments | Web Development

If you use firefox, you may know what I mean. Its those dotted lines around links.

Now there are a few ways as a developer to remove these. I always thought it was easiest to just throw one line of css into your document, but some research shows otherwise…

The way I have always done it is to put this at the end of my css document.

a{ outline:none; }

And after reading sonsprings blog I have found a few ways to get the same effect.

a:active { outline:none; }

This will allow you keep the dots while using the tab button to tab throw links, but remove it from mouse clicks. sweet!

Check out sonsprings blog for some more tweaks you can use for what I like to call an annoyance.

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